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Book Publishing

Politicization of students in higher eduction

0 Piece (MOQ)

    Book on students,politicization of students,social setting journal

Anu books

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Research cell - international journal of engineering sciences

0 Piece (MOQ)

    Technology books, computer science books, engineering books,journal of computer, electronics and mechanical sciences

Anu books

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Review journal of political philosophy

INR 400 / (FOB Price)
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    Political philosophy,political philosophy journal,politics journal,political science journal

Anu books

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Shodh manthan a journal in hindi

INR 400 / (FOB Price)
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    Shodh manthan journal in hindi

Anu books

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Voyager a journal of life sciences

INR 1000 / (FOB Price)

    Publishers, journals, catalogs,plants, zoology, enviorment, biotechnology, maths, physics, chemistry

Anu books

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Artistic narration a journal of visual and performing art

INR 400 / (FOB Price)
0 Piece (MOQ)

    Performing art journal, performing arts journal, best performing art book, best performing arts book, best performing music, best performing journal

Anu books

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