Product Description
Proteomics is a large-scale study of proteins in a certain organism. Depending on specific research objective, there are many analytical techniques for proteomics study. To better meet our clients’ needs, MtoZ Biolabs is proud to offer 5 quantitative proteomics service, including Label-free, iTRAQ/TMT, SILAC, MRM, and SWATH. We also provide custom proteomics service for specific project. You are welcome to contact us for more detailed information on project design and sample requirements.
Service Category
MtoZ Biolabs provides label-free proteomics service, featured by label-free property and scalable application for analyzing multiple samples at once.
MtoZ Biolabs offers an all-inclusive iTRAQ/TMT proteomics service package, including in vitro isobaric labeling and LC-MS/MS analysis. This service is suitable for relative quantification analysis of up to 10 samples.
MtoZ Biolabs offers a complete set of SILAC/Dimethyl quantitative proteomics service, including in vivo metabolic labeling and LC-MS/MS analysis. This service is suitable for comparison of 2-3 samples.
MtoZ Biolabs provides Sequential Window Acquisition of all Theoretical fragment ions (SWATH), featured by data independent acquisition with high-throughput quality and sensitivity comparable to that of MRM technique.
MtoZ Biolabs provides absolute targeted proteomics service, Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) with the highest sensitivity and accuracy so far to meet various needs in high-quality quantitative proteomics study.
Related Services
Protein Sequencing
Protein De Novo Seq
N-Terminal Sequencing
C-Terminal Sequencing
Edman Degradation
Protein Full-Length Sequencing
Protein Analysis
Protein Identification
Protein Mass Measurement
PTMs Identification
PTM Analysis
Phospho Proteomics
Acetyl Proteomics
Ubiquitin Proteomics
Glyco Proteomics
Disulfide Bond
Histone Modifications
About Us
MtoZ Biolabs is an integrate contract research organization (CRO) providing advanced proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical analysis services to researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical fields. The name of MtoZ represents “mass to charge ratio” in mass spectrometry analysis, as most of our services are provided based on our well-established mass spectrometry platforms. Our services allow for the rapid and efficient development of research projects, including protein analysis, proteomics, and metabolomics programs.
MtoZ Biolabs is specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms, coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology. We are committed to developing efficient, and effective tools for addressing core bioinformatics problems. With a continuing focus on quality, MtoZ Biolabs is well equipped to help you with your needs in proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical research. Our ultimate aim is to provide more rapid, high-throughput, and cost-effective analysis, with exceptional data quality and minimal sample.
Quantitative Proteomics Service

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