Product Description
Types of Acupuncture Needles All the acupuncture needles are not same, and even the needling techniques are different. The pain associated with acupuncture needles is much less as compared to the shot because these needles are smaller, solid, do not have a cutting edge and do not inject anything. There is an extensive range of acupuncture needles available that vary in terms of thickness, length, material and quality. If the needles are sharp even at the microscopic level, the cause much less sensation. Needles that are silicone coated slide much easily into the body. One of the types of these needles is natural acupuncture needle. These needles are sharp, smooth and clean. They are perfect for every day clinical use. Each needle comes with individual guide tube sealed in blister pack and is easy to use. Natural acupuncture needles are ideal for people who are sensitive or scared of needles. A poor quality acupuncture needles that are badly designed or constructed can jeopardize the health of patients. As a practitioner, you should always insist on good quality and natural acupuncture needles as these go through stringent quality tests throughout the manufacturing process hence offer best quality. There are various types of natural acupuncture needles that have coiled handles, are silicone free, pyrogen free and come with certified quality. These needles vary as per gauge, diameter and needle length. The gauge ranges from 28-38, diameter ranges from, 0.18 mm to 0.35 mm and needle length varies from 15mm to 125 mm. Natural acupuncture needles are good quality needles at affordable prices. These needles do not have silicone coating and have sterile coiled spiral handles. And when these needles are inserted, most people do not even come to know, and some people get the feeling of warmth, pressure, tingling, heaviness and sensation of movement of energy. The natural acupuncture needles typically stay in the place for 15-40 minutes depending on the ailment. Acupuncture can be very relaxing if done by an experienced practitioner by using the right technique and right kind of needles.
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Company Profile
Business Type: |
Holistic Health And Fitness Centre is one of the leading importer & supplier of chinese Acupuncture, Sujok , Acupressure & healthcare products. Our Company is distributing the products to all leading Acupunturist , healer & organization. Our company ... |
Comapany: |
Holistichealth&fitnesscentre |
Address: |
J - 5 N.D.S.E PART -1 , NEW DELHI |
City: |
New delhi |
Zip/Postal: |
110049 |
State: |
Delhi |
Country: |
India |