Om engineering instruments

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Mr. rajeev kumar
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Om engineering instruments

Om Engineering Instruments specializes in providing a wide range of high-quality equipment for material testing and analysis. Their products include the Micro Vicker Hardness Tester, Metallurgical Microscope, and Stereozoom Microscope, among others. The Micro Vicker Hardness Tester offered by Om Engineering Instruments is designed for accurately measuring the hardness of materials. This equipment is widely used in various industries to determine the hardness of metals, ceramics, and other materials. The Vicker hardness test method involves applying a specific force to the material surface using a Vicker indenter and then measuring the resulting impression size to calculate the hardness value. The Micro Vicker Hardness Tester is easy to operate and provides reliable and precise hardness measurements, making it an essential tool for material testing applications. In addition to the hardness tester, Om Engineering Instruments also offers a range of advanced Metallurgical Microscopes. These microscopes are specially designed for the examination and analysis of metal samples at a microscopic level. Metallurgical microscopes are widely used in metallurgy, material science, and forensic science to study the microstructure of metals, alloys, and other materials. 

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. Mr. rajeev kumar

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. Mr. rajeev kumar

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