Lab Info, an entity operated under the Chadha Group, is a prominent name in the realm of scientific and laboratory services. It can be found listed in various directories such as Lab Info Advertisement Catalogue,, Online Directory, and Lab Info is known for offering a wide array of services and products tailored to meet the needs of clients seeking cutting-edge solutions in the field of science and laboratory research. Lab Info, which falls under the umbrella of the Chadha Group, prides itself on being a leading provider of scientific and laboratory services. Its presence in directories such as the Lab Info Advertisement Catalogue,, Online Directory, and underscores its reputation as a go-to destination for those seeking top-notch solutions in the scientific and laboratory domains. Lab Info's commitment to excellence is evident in the diverse range of services and products it offers. From state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to innovative research solutions, Lab Info caters to the needs of clients looking to stay ahead in the competitive world of scientific research. With a focus on quality and reliability, Lab Info has become a trusted partner for laboratories and research facilities seeking cutting-edge technologies and services.