Kahdi gramodhog vikas sansthan,

Kahdi gramodhog vikas sansthan,

Features and Characteristics of Khadi 1. Rich Gandhian heritage- Legacy of Constructive Program Lanched By Mahatma Gandhi during freedom Struggle 2. High credibility among the public 3. Symbol of truth and non-violence, creative thinking-end and means 4. Focus on Rural Development 5. Self employment opportunities at doorsteps. 6. pure, natural and eco friendly products and processes 7. Decentralized Secter- - Decentralized Production - Production by the masses for the masses 8.Khadi- Concept- Conduct- Budiness -Way of Life - Sprit of freedom - Pride of Swadeshi 9- Dignity of Labour 10. Simple Living and high thinking- purity of body, mind and soul. 11. our company principle of Trusteeship- a different and novel management concept 12 No Profit Sharing 13. Principle of No Profit, No Loss. 14. Protection of the rights and intrest of artisans as well as consumers 15. Labour intensive activity- High wage component in the cost of Khadi 16. Concern for Poorest of poor- Upliftment of all- Sarvodaya- 17Productive and sustainable Employment

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Khadi. Jawahar

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Khadi. Jawahar

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